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Jenkins, G. S., S McMenamin, M. A., McKay, C. P., Sohl, L., Dennis Gallagher, B., Horwitz, J., … Quenby, J. (2008). Midlatitude Ionospheric Dynamics and Disturbances, 181. |
Tape, W., & Moilanen, J. (2013). Atmospheric Halos and the Search for Angle X. Atmospheric Halos and the Search for Angle X, 58, 1–238. |
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- Aguirre, C., Flores-Aqueveque, V., Vilches, P., Vásquez, A., Rutllant, J. A., & Garreaud, R. (2021). Recent Changes in the Low-Level Jet along the Subtropical West Coast of South America. Atmosphere 2021, Vol. 12, Page 465, 12(4), 465.
- Azócar, G., Billi, M., Calvo, R., Huneeus, N., Lagos, M., Sapiains, R., & Urquiza, A. (2020). Climate change perception, vulnerability, and readiness: inter-country variability and emerging patterns in Latin America. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 2020 11:1, 11(1), 23–36.
- Bozkurt, D., Bromwich, D. H., Carrasco, J., & Rondanelli, R. (2021). Temperature and precipitation projections for the Antarctic Peninsula over the next two decades: contrasting global and regional climate model simulations. Climate Dynamics 2021 56:11, 56(11), 3853–3874.
- Gallardo, L., Basoa, K., Tolvett, S., Osses, M., Huneeus, N., Bustos, S., Barraza, J., Ogaz, G. (editores) (2020), Mitigación de carbono negro en la actualización de la Contribución Nacionalmente Determinada de Chile: Informe extendido y anexos. Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia para el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente a través de Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) y la iniciativa Supporting National Action and Planning on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SNAP).
- Galleguillos, M., Gimeno, F., Puelma, C., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Lara, A., & Rojas, M. (2021). Disentangling the effect of future land use strategies and climate change on streamflow in a Mediterranean catchment dominated by tree plantations. Journal of Hydrology, 595, 126047.
- Garreaud, R. D., Boisier, J. P., Rondanelli, R., Montecinos, A., Sepúlveda, H. H., & Veloso-Aguila, D. (2020). The Central Chile Mega Drought (2010–2018): A climate dynamics perspective. International Journal of Climatology, 40(1), 421–439.
- Huneeus, N., Denier van der Gon, H., Castesana, P., Menares, C., Granier, C., Granier, L., Ynoue, R. Y. (2020). Evaluation of anthropogenic air pollutant emission inventories for South America at national and city scale. Atmospheric Environment, 235, 117606.
- Lapere, R., Menut, L., Mailler, S., & Huneeus, N. (2021). Seasonal variation in atmospheric pollutants transport in central Chile: Dynamics and consequences. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(8), 6431–6454.
- Muñoz, R. C., Armi, L., Rutllant, J. A., Falvey, M., Whiteman, C. D., Garreaud, R., … Donoso, N. (2020). Raco Wind at the Exit of the Maipo Canyon in Central Chile: Climatology, Special Observations, and Possible Mechanisms. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59(4), 725–749.
- Villaseñor, T., Celis, S., Queupil, J. P., Pinto, L., & Rojas, M. (2020). The influence of early experiences and university environment for female students choosing geoscience programs: A case study at Universidad de Chile. Advances in Geosciences, 53, 227–244.
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- Aerosoles secundarios en Santiago de Chile: estado y tendencias.
- Análisis de un evento extremo precipitación ocurrido en Enero de 2020 en el Desierto de Atacama y su relación con un río atmosférico en la Costa Occidental de Sudamérica.
- Caracterización observacional de eventos de Terral en el valle del Río Pelambres.
- Impactos del cambio climático en la altura de la isoterma 0°C sobre Chile Central.
- El Océano Austral durante el último máximo glacial en simulaciones CMIP5/PMIP3.
- Reconstrucción de paleo-flujos de polvo mineral atmosférico en la turbera de Río Rubens, Patagonia.
- Variabilidad interanual del transporte de humedad en el Pacífico Sur y su relación con la precipitación en Chile.
- Addressing the climate crisis: local action in theory and practice.
- Air pollution and its complications.
- Air pollution sources, statistics and health effects.
- AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2022.
- Climate change modeling methodology
- Earth system science in the anthropocene.
- The event horizon : homo Prometheus and the climate catastrophe.
- Exploring synergies and trade-offs between climate change and the sustainable development goals.
- Fundamentals of boundary-layer meteorology.
- Fundamentals of meteorology.
- Glaciers and ice sheets in the climate system.
- Hydrological extremes: river hydraulics and irrigation water management.
- Intelligent data analytics for decision-support systems in hazard mitigation: theory and practice of hazard mitigation.
- Land remote sensing and global environmental change: NASA’s Earth Observing System and the Science of ASTER and MODIS.
- Mathematical approach to climate change and its impacts.
- Meteorology for coastal scientists.
- The Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law.
- Patterns identification and data mining in weather and climate.
- Paul J. Crutzen: A pioneer on atmospheric chemistry and climate change in the anthropocene.
- The SAGE handbook of environmental change.
- Satellite radiothermovision of atmospheric processes: method and applications.
- Solutions to coastal disasters 2011.
- Time series analysis in climatology and related sciences.
- Water resources of Chile.
- ARCLIM – Atlas de Riesgos Climáticos
- BiblioGRD - Servicio de Información Ciudadana de SENAPRED
- CR2 – Center for Climate and Resilience Research
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Recurso | APA | ||
Libro |
Stocker, T. F. (Ed.) (2014). Climate change 2013 : the physical science basis : Working Group I Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. |
Libro electrónico |
Briggle, A. (2021). Thinking through climate change : a philosophy of energy in the Anthropocene. Springer. |
Capítulo de libro |
Margolis, H. G. (2021). Heat Waves and Rising Temperatures: Human Health Impacts and the Determinants of Vulnerability. En Climate Change and Global Public Health (pp. 123–161). Humana, Cham. |
Artículo de revista en formato electrónico |
Chen, H., & Sun, J. (2021). Significant Increase of the Global Population Exposure to Increased Precipitation Extremes in the Future. Earth’s Future, 9(9), 2484–2493. |
Tesis electrónica |
Ulloa Palominos, G. del P. (2020). Evolución temporal de albedo en función de la variabilidad climática en glaciares de Los Andes semiáridos, zona Central de Chile. [Memoria, Universidad de Chile]. Repositorio Académico de la Universidad de Chile. |
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Contacto: Marcela Pérez
Correo electrónico:
Fono: +562 29784314